Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation Archive


19 of the 20 reports that I produced as Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation between 2011 and 2017 are on the Government site.  (The 20th, a September 2014 report on reform of TPIMs, was highly classified and has never been published, even in redacted form.)  Links to the 19 reports can be found on the website of the Independent Reviewer, which is preserved at quarterly intervals by  the National Archives.

My archived website also contains a good deal of other material, including a history of the office of Independent Reviewer; the transcripts of all the evidence I gave to parliamentary committees; links to publications, lectures, handouts and media appearances; and blog posts on issues of topical concern.

The last archived edition to contain my welcome page is the December 2016 version.

I added some posts between December 2016 and February 2017: they are captured on the March 2017 version of the archived site, which also features changes to the Welcome and Contact pages made by my successor, Max Hill QC.

Twitter feed

My more than 6,000 tweets as Independent Reviewer are preserved not on the feed of the current Independent Reviewer (who inherited the @terrorwatchdog handle from me on 1 March 2017), but on my current feed, @bricksilk.  Any reference in any context to @terrorwatchdog prior to 1 March 2017 is to me.  References to @terrorwatchdog since 1 March 2017 should be to Max Hill QC.